GET ANSWERS to your questions.

  • Eyelash extensions are individual synthetic or natural lashes applied to your existing lashes using a special adhesive. They enhance the length and fullness of your natural lashes.

  • Eyelash extensions have a typical life span of approximately 4-6 weeks, but the life you get out of your extensions is mostly dependent on your own lash cycle.

  • When applied correctly by a trained technician, eyelash extensions are safe for your natural lashes. It's essential to follow proper care instructions to maintain their

  • Yes, regular maintenance appointments are recommended every 2-3 weeks to fill in any gaps created by natural lash shedding.

  • No! But we can help book you a lash removal and do a full set.

  • It's recommended to arrive with clean, makeup-free eyes, and avoid curling your lashes or using oil-based products on or near your eyes before the appointment.

  • Your lash technician can help you select a style that suits your eye shape and preferences. The length, curl, and thickness can be customized to achieve your desired look.

  • Classic lash extensions involve applying one extension to each natural lash, while volume lashes consist of multiple extensions applied to each natural lash, creating a fuller, more dramatic look.

  • It's best to have extensions professionally removed to avoid damage to your natural lashes. Attempting to remove them at home can lead to breakage or loss of your own lashes.

  • Yes, you can, but it's best to wait 24 hours after the initial application to allow the adhesive to cure fully. After that, you can engage in normal activities, but it's essential to avoid excessive exposure to water and steam.